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From 1/2/16 (a little late lol):

Yay! It's a new year! Last year was a year of extreme highs and lows. I started the year off living and working in at Walt Disney World, the middle of the year was filled with hopelessness and depression, and by the end of 2015 I was filled with new hope. Now is the time to start my new path in life. The Routine becomes real and it's time for me to seriously consider my health and live the life I was meant to live. I'm excited for 2016 and the opportunities it presents for a clean slate. I haven't felt this good emotionally for years so now is the best time to match that physically. Soon I'll be getting my gym membership and incorporating physical activity in my life. The last time I was an avid gym goer I loved it. As long as I keep that momentum up I know I can do this.